Quake III Arena Performance- demo001


As can be seen by the graphs, the 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB at its stock speed generally performs higher than the 32 MB GeForce 2 GTS. This is essentially the same results that we found in our 64MB GeForce 2 GTS review, with the 3D Prophet II GTS performing a maximum of 8.5% faster than the equivalently clocked 32 MB GeForce 2 GTS at 1600x1200x16.

We also included benchmarks for 220/366, as there are still some cards out there that will come at these speeds. As mentioned before, it is highly likely that every 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB will be able to hit these speeds. At these higher memory and core speeds, the card performed 19.6% faster than the stcok clocked 32MB GeForce 2 GTS when at 1600x1200x16

The final performance boost came when the card was clocked to its maximum speed of 230/400 MHz. At these levels, the 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB has almost no competitor. The card performed 30% faster than the stock clocked 32MB GeForce 2 GTS. When the 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB was pushed to this high level, there was almost no looking back. Quake III Arena played the fastest we have seen so far.

The Test Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver
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