Menu Structure
We are providing a few snapshots of the phone's menu structure for reference. While these pictures do not provide every menu option they should give a good indication of the major options available on the ASUS AiGuru S1 Skype phone.

The top-left picture is the main screen where the major phone functions can be selected. The Skype option will take the user to the SkypeOnline section and the Menu option will allow the user to further configure the various phone options as shown on the two lower pictures. The top-right picture is from the WiFi status option and indicates the IP address, network identification, channel number, and current connection rate. This picture was taken at a location in the next office that was approximately 75 feet from the base station.

These snapshots are of the major menu options available within the SkypeOnline section of the phone menu. The phonebook option is actually the contact list, the voicemail option requires a surcharge unless you purchased a SkypeIn number, the answering machine option allows you to set up a greeting for your voicemail, and the conference call option is for creating and dialing a list of users for a conference session. The call history submenu consists of missed call, dialed numbers, and received call options. Overall, the SkypeOnline and Phone Menu options are acceptable for the majority of users looking at this phone for Skype operations. The phone is missing chat capability and the address book information does not show the true online status of the users. If nothing else, the options are a bit basic but are simple to use which is what ASUS wants to provide to the user of this phone.
We are providing a few snapshots of the phone's menu structure for reference. While these pictures do not provide every menu option they should give a good indication of the major options available on the ASUS AiGuru S1 Skype phone.

The top-left picture is the main screen where the major phone functions can be selected. The Skype option will take the user to the SkypeOnline section and the Menu option will allow the user to further configure the various phone options as shown on the two lower pictures. The top-right picture is from the WiFi status option and indicates the IP address, network identification, channel number, and current connection rate. This picture was taken at a location in the next office that was approximately 75 feet from the base station.

These snapshots are of the major menu options available within the SkypeOnline section of the phone menu. The phonebook option is actually the contact list, the voicemail option requires a surcharge unless you purchased a SkypeIn number, the answering machine option allows you to set up a greeting for your voicemail, and the conference call option is for creating and dialing a list of users for a conference session. The call history submenu consists of missed call, dialed numbers, and received call options. Overall, the SkypeOnline and Phone Menu options are acceptable for the majority of users looking at this phone for Skype operations. The phone is missing chat capability and the address book information does not show the true online status of the users. If nothing else, the options are a bit basic but are simple to use which is what ASUS wants to provide to the user of this phone.
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Gary Key - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - link
I will be switching over to VoIP via our local cable company shortly due to 911 capability, our alarm system, and a great deal on a couple of phones. ;-) If you are unwilling to live with 911 capability and have excellent DSL/Cable uptime then a solution such as Skype is very attractive with a VoIP phone. I know the majority of my business conversations are on Skype at this time along with 99% of conference calls. Until I receive the Linksys and NetGear phones, it will be hard to determine if the sync issues (5~7 second delay) we experienced with landline and cellular phones is an Asus, Skype, or network issue. It happened enough times that it is concerning to me although we never had a call just drop out. I know the issue has not happened with a few of my friends who have VoIP service through the cable company or Vonage so I think it is phone or Skype related. Thank you for the comments.goinginstyle - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - link
I enjoyed the article and look forward to more VoIP product reviews. I was quite surprised to see a review like this. Is there any chance you can do a review of the netgear and linksys phones soon? Did you use skype on a linux machine?Gary Key - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - link
Thank you for the comments. We might review other products in the future and certainly would like to do a review or comparison of the major VoIP services if there is enough interest in this subject. I have used Skype on a recent SUSE 10.1 install (have to use the latest beta and read the forums). However, the Asus phone only supports Windows 2000 (SP4) or XP (SP2) at this time.mona wayne - Saturday, July 7, 2018 - link
Skype is a great tool for communicating, it makes it clean for 2 or greater human beings for you to successfully speak as they see one another. This is also for business for Microsoft 365 customers.if you having any problem with skype account you can contact Skype support number at
uaewebsite - Monday, November 18, 2019 - link
Thanks For Sharing Information with usThere are constantly a few workarounds for you to give them a shot and among them, utilizing a Virtual Private Network or VPN is at the top. It will assist you with veiling the IP address where you are associated with your gadget. It would appear as though the web traffic is beginning from an alternate nation subsequent to utilizing VPN administration on your gadget. Once you are done using these VPN services, then you won’t have to go again to search for how to use Skype in the UAE. ASUS Ai GURU