Data Warehouse Test Explained

We are always looking to improve the quality of our reviews and as a result, we have added a new Stress Test to our suite.

This "Data Warehouse" test is focused on large record sets with plenty of aggregation. This test is based on a system that we developed to track and manage Request statistics for and It tracks statistics like Requests/Hour, Requests/Hour/IP Address, Unique IP Addresses/Hour, Unique Users/Hour, Daily Browser stats, etc. These stats are further summarized by site, i.e.: www or Forums.

As with the other Stress Tests, each test was repeated three times and the average between the three tests was used. For this Data Warehouse Stress Test, we defined a quantity of work to complete and measured how long each platform required to process the workload.

So, to ensure that IO was not the bottleneck, each test was started with a database, including tempdb, which had already been expanded so that autogrow activity did not occur during the test. During the execution of the tests, there were no applications running on the server or monitoring software. Task Manager, Profiler, and Performance Monitor where used when establishing the baseline for the test, but never during execution of the tests.


At the beginning of each platform, the server was rebooted to ensure a clean and consistent environment. The database was always copied to the 8 disk RAID 0 array with no other files present to ensure that file placement and fragmentation was consistent between runs. In between each of the three tests, the database was deleted, the original database was copied again to the array, and SQL Server was restarted.

There is no "client" required for this test. The workload is initiated by a stored procedure call from Query Analyzer.

"Order Entry" Stress Test results Data Warehouse results
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  • Jason Clark - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    An article we are contemplating is desktop parts in a SQL test, and web. Lots of folks in smaller orgranizations and even medium to some extent build their own boxes.

  • Regs - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    Thanks for Clarifying me #24. For some odd reason I'm thinking about the differences between the branch predicator of a A64 and Intel and I got in over my head.

    But you are right about the cache, spatial and temporal locality.
  • rivieracadman - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    I would suspect that the raw speed of the Xeon coupled with the larger cash to reduce latency would make the Xeon perform well in any benchmark that was both threaded and delt with small data sets, such as reads, queries, and searches. On the other hand, the Opteron due to its lower memory access overhead, and shear bandwidth, would do better in areas with large data sets such as data transfers, data recovery, and large complex calculations. If this is correct, which you have pretty much confirmed, then I would suspect that the Opteron would do better in the web server tests as long as the pages served were larger then say 15K. Not that this is any magical number, but the Xeon would have to pull from memory more at this point.

    As for the HT bus. I wouldn't think you would use the entire 1Ghz bus on a database benchmark. You really need to perform some workstation benchmarks to fill the bus.

    Since everyone else here is adding to the wish list. I would like to see a real world combined query, read, change, write benchmark. I think the Xeon does better when searching and reading because of its shear speed, but the Opteron would do better when a record is altered and resubmitted to a database. This is more of a real world example in my opinion, and since both are architectually diffrent, it would allow for both CPUs to show their true colors in what would be considered every tasks.
  • blckgrffn - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    Having repetitive data is what having cache is all about, the long pipelined architecture of the P4 needs the large local cache to minimize time-expensive ram lookups to compensate for the time-expensive deep pipe operations that get tossed when mis-predicted. So, the 2meg cache could help the prescott in many places and is not limited only to SQL. I think that we can probably look at the the EE P4's and get a feeling for what the new prescotts will bring to the table, but we can hope that all of those additions that were made to the Prescott core are allowed to shine with more cache present.
  • fitten - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    #9, this was a server benchmark test. Servers are about stability and such. Anyone who overclocks a critical server (database, etc.) should be fired on the spot.

    They may do overclocking tests in the workstation review that was mentioned.
  • Ross Whitehead - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    #20 - I agree the AMDs instructions/clock count is high, but we were surprised that the 25% increase in HT did not provide any measurable difference.
  • Regs - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    *Their IPC counts are higher*

    Need more coffee
  • Regs - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    #11 - I doubt there will be a performance gain for games with just added cache. The problem with the prescott is it's low IPC core and leakage. Anyways, Apps on the desk top use a lot of repeatedly used data arrays with similar instruction sets. So why would the CPU core benefit a larger L2 cache for games when it's just going to be the similar type of code it just processed?

    #16 - AMD's are not bandwidth starved. Their high instructions per clock count are higher. So the pipeline is a lot shorter which means it does not run a risk of pipeline stalls if it was not fed enough data from the bus unlike the Intel.
  • Jason Clark - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    Quad 3.6 Xeon systems don't exist as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong. Quad Xeon systems are still the 400MHz FSB Xeons that are clocked at most 3GHz.
  • mickyb - Monday, February 14, 2005 - link

    The Intel XEON has always been competitive. You guys are thinking about gaming. I would like to see 4 way perforamnce and see a graph on benchmarks compared to number of CPUs. AMD has previously done well in this area.

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