Features - Software

The WinBook N4 comes with either Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional (with the Home addition costing $99 less). As we have mentioned in the past, the operating system a company chooses to include with a system can play a major role in deciding what system to buy. We were pleased that WinBook offers a version of Windows XP standard. The system also has a 1GB partition on the hard drive dedicated to original build installation, making full restore processes somewhat less painful.

Other than the operating system, the WinBook N4 comes relatively free of software. If you choose to outfit your N4 with a DVD player or combo drive, the notebook comes with Intervideo WinDVD 3.1, perhaps the best DVD software package on the market today. CD-R and CD-RW support is left to Windows XP's built in burning software. We would have much rather seen a dedicated burning program, such as Easy CD Creator, as we have found the native Windows XP software to not be up to par.

The WinBook N4 comes with one custom piece of software called Access Direct. This program allows the user to set the actions associated with the two user defined action keys above the keyboard. It also allows the buttons to be set to CD control.

If you choose to include Microsoft Office XP at the time of purchase, it is available from WinBook at a price of $329.

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